Sunday, April 6, 2008

Gymnastic Recital

This weekend was the gymnastic recital for Tam's girls. Grandma loved watching the girls perform. And I think it is quite remarkable that Tammy found the time to let them participate. As usual, however, it was the typical 3 hr. program lasting till 10 p.m. Well do I remember with Jacque Wynn's programs, and they havn't gotten any shorter.

Cord & Whitney and little Avery were up for conference weekend, and we soaked up as much time as we could with cute little pudgy 6-mo old Avery. I've never seen a baby open her eyes so wide. So alert and happy and makes the funniest faces. Cord & Whitney are always laughing at her, and I don't blame them. She is great entertainment!!


Mike said...

I bet you guys are in the front because of that dog. Wish we could have been there for conference weekend.

Amanda said...

I love Cords face in the last picture. He looks like he's having a blast lol

*Ash said...

Lookin' good!! I'm glad you're pushing through!! It's so good to feel like we can keep in touch better! Looks like fun! I'm sad about all the times we're missin' out on though! =(

Nicki said...

They are such beautiful girls! How fun to have so many sisters so close in age. I can just imagine Cord laughing at his baby! How fun! Keep the posts coming!